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How to Identify Your Marketplace Influence

Part of stepping into Kingdom influence in the marketplace is understanding your current role and what God has called you to. Throughout our work with people both in and out of the church, Shawn Bolz and I have distinguished four key roles that people are called to within the marketplace. You may have experienced one

Hearing God for the Marketplace

God’s dreams, plans, and purposes are not only for us but also for every environment and industry: science, government, healthcare, and so on. His dreams are also for things we don’t even know are coming. Not only are we wired to hear His voice and know His heart for our own life, but He also

Is Work A Curse?

Have you ever heard it said that work is a curse? I know I have! In some church settings, work has even been framed as part of the consequences Adam and Eve faced after eating from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. I think some of the biggest lies the enemy tells

What To Do If You Are Not Passionate About Your Job

Is it just me, or does it seem like there is so much pressure to be fully passionate about work these days?  I have seen many young adults get stuck below their potential because they keep looking around for a job that they believe will make them feel passion one hundred percent of the time.