God’s dreams, plans, and purposes are not only for us but also for every environment and industry: science, government, healthcare, and so on. His dreams are also for things we don’t even know are coming. Not only are we wired to hear His voice and know His heart for our own life, but He also wants to take our ability to hear His voice to another level so that we can grow and expand our positions in the marketplace.
When we don’t expect God’s voice in the midst of our daily lives or careers, then we become task driven and try to do things for Him rather than partnering with Him. If we don’t expect to hear God’s voice, it can violate the people we are called to serve. The goal of hearing God in our everyday lives is not to evangelize every moment but to walk with God in connection. As we do, we begin to see God’s grace and influence in everything. This, in turn, creates a demonstration of His love to the world around us.
Francis of Assisi Set An Example
An early church father, Francis of Assisi, preached a similar message. Whether this is a true story or just a picture of his life, we don’t know, but it still demonstrates a truth he walked out. The story goes that a priest said to St. Francis, “I don’t see you preach to them.” St. Francis, who had determined to preach the gospel through the literal demonstration of the great commission, looked around at all that he had accomplished and said, “I preach Christ daily and sometimes use words.”
Francis considered all nature to be a reflection of God. He was the most accomplished minister of his time, gathering crowds; but instead of preaching directly, he invited them to participate in tasks such as gardening or feeding the poor. His followers, often the children of wealthy lords and ladies, weren’t used to slowing down and looked at farming as menial work not fit for the educated. But they went to him in droves and detoxed the worldliness that was their priority system and became true believers grounded in the Kingdom—all because St. Francis heard God’s voice and chose to demonstrate His love where the people were: in the streets.
Biblical Examples
God never limited His voice to building churches or the religious expression of Christianity. The Bible is full of stories of God speaking to people, prophets, and leaders about their concerns when it comes to the marketplace, government, creativity, and every area of life. As a matter of fact, much of what God spoke to the people of Israel had to do with stewardship of their communities, natural affairs, and businesses.
We see this in Jesus’ interactions with the disciples—telling them where to cast their nets in order to bring in a large catch of fish—as well as in the Old Testament. In 1 Samuel 9, Saul’s father sends Saul in search of some missing donkeys. The donkeys are part of the family’s business, their livelihood and legacy. When Saul can’t find the donkeys, he and his father’s servant seek the voice of God through the prophet Samuel. Not only does God answer Saul’s need, but He also redirects Saul toward a bigger picture beyond just the family business.
God is Always Speaking
People hear from God about the things that are most important to humanity because God cares about everything: finances, resources, social equality, branding, personal struggles, family, politics, social justice—all of it. Several of Jesus’ miracles involved speaking to the disciples about resources and finances: a widow’s mite, a prophetic word on where to get money for taxes, a rich man who wouldn’t truly sacrifice, the lilies of the field and birds of the air who were always provided for. God speaks about resources and work all the time.
Most people only think about hearing God for themselves or their family, but God wants to talk to you about everything as you live in constant communion with Him. Do you expect to hear God in the marketplace? This blog is an excerpt from Wired to Hear, Chapter 1. To continue reading, find the book on Amazon or at bobhasson.com.
Good afternoon Mr. Hasson: Thank you for expounding on this chapter from Wired to Hear, I am currently reading this book. I have spent the last 8 months working on my business and website. This is a business that is completely out of my life work experience. I have heard the Lord speak to me on many occasions especially after my commitment in 2009 to read God’s Word daily. This business is a result of hearing Him speak after reading Psalm 119. Question: I know your business is one you have been doing all your adult life, why do you think God would call someone to do something completely out of their sphere of expertise ?
I am so glad you are following God’s leading in your life! Thanks for your question. I think if God calls us to something outside of our sphere of expertise, He will also bring people to help us that do have that expertise, or give us the ability to learn and grow in that area. For example, I think of how David was being prepared to be king in various ways, before he ever knew that is what He was called to! His gifts, history, skills and experience made sense afterwards. Sometimes, we are more prepared than we think, but the label of a job and our assumptions get in the way.