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Why Honor Matters In Business: My Podcast with Shaun Tabatt

Shaun Tabatt and I recently spent an hour discussing The Business of Honor on his podcast, The Shaun Tabatt Show. We tackled most of the big topics in the book, including:

  • What is honor and why do we need it in business?
  • Why is the topic of identity so important to understanding and living out honor, both in business and in life?
  • What are the key dynamics that exists in honoring business relationships, and how do we cultivate them?
  • How does honor help us experience the rewards we seek in business relationships?
  • How do honoring leaders “father” and “mother” in their organizations?
  • And much more!

If you haven’t yet read The Business of Honor or want to recommend it to someone, this podcast works as a great preview of what you’ll find in the book and why it matters to you, your business, and your relationships.

You can check out the podcast here. Thanks for listening!

2 responses to “Why Honor Matters In Business: My Podcast with Shaun Tabatt

  1. Thank you Bob & Shaun. I am in the process of implementing the concepts in my (federal) organization. I expect a significant and positive shift in the culture. For God’s Glory. -Karen

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