Living in God’s wisdom for our lives involves learning the art of balance. Life is full of tension, and wisdom shows us how to balance these areas of tension in a way that leads to thriving.
Conversely, when we are not thriving—when our lives start to break down with anxiety, depression, relational dysfunction, burnout, fatigue, illness, addiction, etc.—then we can be sure that it is because we are not balancing these areas of tension well.
One of the most critical tensions we wrestle with as Christians is living both as citizens of the kingdom of God and citizens of a world that has yet to become fully restored to God’s original design: on Earth as it is in heaven.
When believers live in this tension wisely, it produces Christ-like transformation, first in us personally, and then through us in the world. When we don’t, classically two things happen: we either become like the world, or we attempt to distance ourselves from the world in some kind of separate religious culture.
When I consider the wisdom gaps I see in many Christians, specifically in their attitudes and approach to their work, jobs, and career, I believe these gaps are rooted in their inability to balance this tension well.
Much of the wisdom I see in people is expressed in their ability to live and work in both realities with consistency, grace, and integrity. I would argue that ability is grounded primarily in two things: a good, biblical theology of work, and good discernment about where American work culture aligns with truth and where it distorts the truth.
The fact that we see so many Christians—ourselves included—pulled in these two directions speaks to how difficult it is to balance this tension. It’s easier to go with the flow of the world or try to create our own safe place where everyone believes what we believe. It’s much harder to live and work in a culture with opposite values, beliefs, and behaviors.
It’s harder to bravely allow Jesus to send us out as “sheep in the midst of wolves” and learn how to “be wise as serpents and harmless as doves” than it is to simply stay away from the wolves or be consumed by them (Matthew 10:16, NKJV). It’s hard to balance the tension of loving the world like Jesus (see John 3:16) and yet not loving the world (see 1 John 2:15). But taking this hard path is the only way to the thriving, free, abundant life Jesus has for us.
In my new book, Shortcuts, I talk more about the art of balance! The book is available TODAY, and you can find it by clicking here!
I would love to hear your thoughts on this topic as well, how do you balance the tension of living in the world and not being of it?
Not falling in Love with the world or the things in the world. Staying focused , having a single eye, constant communication ( prayer ) with Abba. Doing from Being a Son, instead of the trap of doing to be a son.
Walking in Light, obeying the commands of Jesus, as I go. It’s not always easy.
I always seem to return to Matthew chapter 6 as a foundational read and feed my soul. It helps me to walk in the Spirit.
I love the part of having a single eye and focus. So important! Knowing our mission and assignment and what solutions we carry is a great plus!
Great stuff Bob! I always feel grounded after reading your stuff. Just bought your book too – excited to read it!
Thanks so much, Josh. That is why I put it out here and glad to hear you are having that experience! I appreciate your feedback!
Learning to hear and KNOW God loves to speak to us is a big help. 🙂
Wisdom comes in when I decide not to speak as much and to listen. I then can truly gain insight and understanding of what the others motive or heart may be at AND align with Gods solution.
Also, daily taking communion and cleansing my heart of unforgiveness and judgments. This keep me clear to hear better!!
I’ve learned if I’m judging a situation or people even in a “good” way, it is still MY judgment and not Gods. I can discern but judgment where there’s no grace, insight and understanding in-prisons a situation and people and myself.
WOW! Very true. Listening is so key to have wisdom, and it is so easy that many actually overlook it. Judgments of people and situations sure can creep up on us, so I like that you are intentional to be aware of this soon a daily basis. Keep up the good work!
I can wake up everyday and be thankful to the Lord Jesus Christ for another day. Living with all that’s going on in our world we have to give it to God it’s out of our control. I learn to live Just One Day at a Time. Caring for elderly mother and a sister that has mental issues is hard. But the best thing about having to care four family members is that I’m not married. I do miss my sons and my grandkids but thank God for technology they’re just a phone call away or a text away. I did want to start a small business selling trees and bushes in the front commercial area of our 2 Acres but caring for others has set me back maybe it’s not in God’s plan. I live in a small community out in the desert. Hopes of being self-sufficient and earning extra money while being on Social Security is a dream that I have. Trees and bushes and shrubs would be ideal for the people that live out here they have to drive to another town to get their garden needs at the major garden centers. And then having to deal with so much other things I thank God that he helped me everyday and I know that he cares about what we all are going through and I can trust him with my life that he knows what plans he has for me
I thank God he has given you the ability and capacity to do what you feel He is calling you to. He knows what you are going through on a level no one else ever good! I pray you stay encouraged in His love!